ALL Palumbo Shipyards working

ALL Palumbo Shipyards working

“All the yards are currently working,” says Luka Hrboka, Head of Sales Department at Palumbo Shipyards. “We are following all the regulations imposed by the government, which are the usual ones – social distancing, disinfection and masks etc.” He told DryDock; “We are...
A ship refurbishment update from Royal Caribbean

A ship refurbishment update from Royal Caribbean

“In these unprecedented times, in addition to voluntarily suspending our global operations, port closures and travel restrictions have also affected the possibility of moving forward with our amplifications of Explorer of the Seas in Brest, France and Allure of the...
Norwegian spirit beats the Covid-19 downturn

Norwegian spirit beats the Covid-19 downturn

Norwegian Cruise Line received the all-new Norwegian Spirit back from a 43-day drydocking in Marseille, France in February, just before the Covid-19 virus started to take hold around the world. The $100 million renovation was part of The Norwegian Edge program, which...
A May return to work for Navantia

A May return to work for Navantia

“Reference is made to the situation generated by the Covid19 coronavirus global pandemic, and to the State of Alarm declared by the Government of Spain from 16 March, restricting freedom of movement nationwide to prevent group contact, a lockdown which has currently...