by Mark Langdon | Jun 7, 2021 | Opinion
Hempel was engaged by Orbital Marine Power Ltd (Orbital) to provide a comprehensive coating solution for its world-leading tidal turbine – the Orbital O2, explains David Heal, Global Head of Renewable Energy & Performance OEM Segments at Hempel.
by Mark Langdon | Apr 27, 2021 | Featured Article, Opinion
The impact of COVID-19 has been felt across all parts of the marine sector, but Neil Graham, Technical Director of marine engineering and propulsion specialist Royston, sees signs for optimism in the next 12 months
by Mark Langdon | Apr 27, 2021 | Featured Article, Opinion
There is always the discussion over whether to convert FPSOs or build new, but how has that changed during COVID-19, what impact does this have on safety, and how will the industry change as the world slowly recovers, asks Luiz Feijo, Director Global Offshore, Market Sector Lead – Production, American Bureau of Shipping (ABS)
by Satzuma-Creative | Jan 15, 2021 | Opinion
The international shipping community is facing several challenges which are preventing it from achieving the desired environmental performance, with the reduction of greenhouse gas emissions being very high on the international sustainability agenda. One of the issues...
by Satzuma-Creative | Jan 14, 2021 | Opinion
Those who have been following the development of sustainable shipping will recognize the UECC name. Those who have been following UECC will know why: with two duel-fuel LNG ships on the water and three battery-hybrid LNG vessels on the way, UECC is making investments...
by Satzuma-Creative | Jun 2, 2020 | Opinion, SeaFirst
Over the last weeks, many companies may have issued or received force majeure notices suspending performance where permitted by force majeure clauses in the relevant contracts based on the COVID-19 outbreak. As the crisis continues with deepening business disruption,...