How the pandemic has changed Rolls-Royce

How the pandemic has changed Rolls-Royce

The Corona pandemic has turned the world upside down. Business trips have become the absolute exception, while working from home and digital meetings are suddenly the rule. At Rolls-Royce too, a lot is being done differently, with the help of creative input, digital...
What’s lurking below?

What’s lurking below?

Vessel owners, operators and charterers reacting to a sharp reduction in demand due to COVID-19 are soon to face an additional operational challenge in the form of accelerated hull fouling as more and more vessels lie idle at anchor or provide floating storage for...
Business as usual at Multimarine

Business as usual at Multimarine

“Multimarine Shipyards has been fully operational during the COVID-19 lockdown,” says Pavlos Phokas, Commercial Director at the yard. . During the period between March-April-May, Multimarine completed three important drydocking projects (Bourbon Diamond, Nor Naomi,...