ASRY remains fully operational

Apr 28, 2020 | NewsSeaFirst

“We are fully operational, with projects still arriving, and ongoing,” states ASRY.

“We are working at approximately 50% capacity, due to owners being unable to transport their required superintendents/technicians out of their respective countries,” explains ASRY. “We have the capacity to be at 100%, if international logistics would allow.”

ASRY told DryDock; “Incoming vessels into Bahrain have no quarantine requirements, except that crew must have completed 14 days since their last port of call before disembarkation. All air transport arrivals must undergo a 14-day isolation period in their hotel/accommodation upon arrival.”

The yard explains; “The Kingdom of Bahrain has reduced the number of inbound flights arriving at the airport, but not closed the airport or borders. Visas are being issued regularly and normally. As the regulations are changing regularly, all customers are advised to check with their local Bahrain agent for the latest information. However, to-date there are no restrictions on the attendance of owners superintendents, Surveyors or OEM technicians.

Cancellations and postponements

“We have only seen one cancellation due to C-19,” says the yard. “The balance projects that have changed their plans have all been delays rather than cancellations.”

The yard has some owners looking to take advantage of near term dock availability.


In anticipation of the situation ASRY invested in increasing as many stock items as possible to ensure ample materials on hand, which has been very useful in completing projects and prefabrications.

Business stimulation

As a gesture of good will and support the company says that it “is glad to cover the costs of any extra nights accommodation required for self-isolation requirements for owner’s representatives, up to 14 nights.”

Here are ASRY’s current Covid-19 Precautions

1. Every person entering ASRY is scanned at the gates for a fever, with any person with a temperature over 37.4°C immediately escorted to ASRY Medical Centre where they are subject to the nationally-defined procedure mandated by the Ministry of Health.
2. Permission for a vessel to come alongside and/or dock in ASRY will be granted after clearance from the Bahrain Ports & Maritime Authority (PMA).
3. At Inner Anchorage, ASRY medical team will board the vessel and conduct medical screening of all personnel on board, before being granted permission to enter the yard.
4. Once alongside/docked, and upon confirmation that all persons on board have completed a period of 14 days since last port of call (outside Kingdom of Bahrain), works may begin.
5. All persons within ASRY, including crew, technicians, engineers, superintendents and ASRY personnel, must abide by the following rules:
o Masks are to be worn by every person within 2 metres of another person
o Anti-spreading behaviors to be strictly observed at all times, including regular hand-washing, and no face-touching
o Relevant PPE requirements to be strictly adhered to in all operational areas
6. All applicable ASRY departments have split into separate teams, which are rotating between working-remotely and working-in-office, in order to reduce viral spreading, and also provide operational back-ups.
7. All employees returning from vacation must undergo mandatory screening process in ASRY Medical centre before their ID card is reactivated.
8. All overseas travel has been prohibited for all employees.
9. Meetings of more than 5 people are forbidden, and only essential meetings are permitted, and only for essential attendees.
10. Yard wide awareness tool-box talks regarding actions to limit spreading of the virus are taking place on a revolving continuous daily basis.
11. Yard wide awareness visual campaign regarding actions to limit spreading of the virus has been rolled out yard-wide, with continuous updating.
12. Facilities to reduce viral transmission have been procured – hand sanitiser machines installed in every building and all common areas.
13. All working areas within ASRY are being disinfected and sanitised on a rolling and regular basis.

Check out SeaFirst for more cornonavirus yard and company updates.

SeaFirst should be your first port of call for the latest ship repair related Covid-19 news.


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