The Bow Thruster is a vital piece of equipment for the manoeuvrability of the vessel (Its cost is around USD 400,000).
The fault in one of the teeth of the conical gears in the vertical shaft of the M.V. Monte Rosa`s Bow Thruster led to the exchange, not only of the vertical shaft, but of the entire Bow Thruster unit. Metalock Brasil was chosen for the replacement of this equipment manufactured by the South Korean company KTE, which, due to their expertise in this type of service, represents KTE in Brazil, in addition to having significant past experience in these types of services rendered.
The complexity of the service, which involved the dismantling and removal of the old Bow Thruster and the installation of the new equipment, demanded three days of intensive work by the Metalock Brasil team.
The entire procedure was supervised by two technicians from the manufacturer`s. The final tests, from setting the pitch of the blades to monitoring of the welding work, was accompanied by the Class Surveyor.