
New funding for carbon capture system on LNG vessel
Value Maritime and its partners in the Maritime Efficient & Easy Carbon Capture (ME2CC) project are pleased to announce the receipt of funding from the Maritime Masterplan 2024.

Face the Facts with Dave Skentelbery, CEO of Grand Bahama Shipyard
Despite a roller-coaster ride of natural disasters and a pandemic, Grand Bahama Shipyard is very much alive and thriving
The March 2024 issue of DryDock magazine is now online
Read all the latest ship repair news in the March issue of DryDock magazine
Eastern Pacific Shipping makes first wind propulsion move with bound4blue eSAILs
Eastern Pacific Shipping (EPS) to install three bound4blue eSAILs on Pacific Sentinel in Q4 2024
Multimarine Services Ltd and the Columbia Group sign a Memorandum of Agreement
Multimarine Services Ltd and the Columbia Group sign a Memorandum of Agreement to explore wide-ranging cooperation opportunities in the energy and offshore renewables space
Seatrium renews Favoured Customer Contract (FCC) with GasLog LNG and STASCO
Seatrium has renewed its long-term Favoured Customer Contract (FCC) with GasLog LNG STASCO to provide ship repairs, refurbishment and upgrading for their LNG carriers from 2024 to 2029, with an option for further renewal.
John Barnard joins Gibdock as Commercial Director
Gibdock, a leading ship repair yard, is proud to announce the appointment of John Barnard to its team.
LR supported by Greek shipping leaders launches Maritime Emissions Reduction Centre in Athens
Capital Group, Navios Maritime Partners, Neda Maritime Agency, Star Bulk and Thenamaris get behind initiative for a global Maritime Emissions Reduction Centre.
ASRY receives United States Ambassador
The Chairman of the Arab Shipbuilding and Repair Yard Company (ASRY), His Excellency Aymen bin Tawfeeq Almoayed, has recently received the U.S. Ambassador to the Kingdom of Bahrain
Bardex Corporation expands staff and facilities
Bardex has over the past several months welcomed 18 new hires and will be expanding two of its sites.
Shipowners save $8 billion and 41 million tonnes of CO2 with Intersleek 1100SR, AkzoNobel performance data reveals
The world-leading biocide-free, foul release coating revolutionised the coatings industry when it was launched by AkzoNobel in 2013, and has been applied to more than 3,000 vessels since then.
Reducing risk in maintenance management
An integrated approach to maintenance scheduling and safety management can cut onboard risk and administrative inefficiency, explains ABS Wavesight Director of Product John Hathaway
Thordon Bearings supplies its first TG100 seal in Chile
Thordon Bearings has completed the installation of its award-winning TG100 tailshaft seals on a twin-screw passenger vessel.
Chemfleet adds three ships to Berg energy efficiency upgrade
Chemfleet adds three ships to Berg energy efficiency upgrade after verifying 10% fuel savings
KMTC Ship Management saves a fortune with Accelleron engine optimisation software
KMTC Ship Management saves US$540,000 with Accelleron engine optimization software Tekomar XPERT
Wärtsilä to support efficiency of Carnival’s waste handling with four-year technical support agreement
Wärtsilä Water & Waste, part of technology group Wärtsilä, has signed a four-year Service, Spares and Technical Support agreement with cruise operator Carnival Corporation